2.Echoes of Past

Author POV:

Parul and her friends, Aditi Verma, Nisha Patel, and Priya Singh Rajvansh, were wandering around the charming streets of Udaipur. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. They had just finished their classes for the day and decided to explore the bustling markets and serene lakes.

As they strolled along the narrow lanes, filled with the scent of street food and the vibrant colors of traditional Rajasthani textiles, they chatted animatedly.

Aditi: "I can’t believe we’re in our final year already. It feels like just yesterday we were freshmen, getting lost on campus."

Nisha: "I know, right? Time flies. But I’m so ready to be done with exams and start working. I’ve had enough of late-night cramming sessions."

Priya: "Well, speaking of work,Abhi Bhaiya wants me to join the family business after I graduate. But honestly, I’m more interested in starting something of my own."

Parul: "That’s amazing, Priya. You should follow your passion. I think you’d be fantastic running your own company. And hey, if you ever need a marketing expert, you know where to find me!"

They all laughed, their camaraderie evident in the ease of their conversation. As they approached the famous Lake Pichola, they decided to take a boat ride to enjoy the beautiful view.

At lake pichola they see many stalls of oxidized jewellery and food stalls.

Some women were doing ghoomar dance in Rajasthani traditional dress. Making the place more beautiful and interesting to visit there. Some men in traditional dress singing Rajasthani songs. People enjoying their time with their families.

Aditi: "This place never gets old. No matter how many times I come here, it always feels magical."

Nisha: "Absolutely. The lake, the palaces, the history... it’s like living in a fairy tale."

Priya: "True. And it’s moments like these that make me appreciate home even more. Though I must admit, I’m a bit nervous about what lies ahead. The expectations, the responsibilities..."

Parul: "We all feel that way sometimes, Priya. But we’ve got each other, and we’ll figure it out together. Plus, you’ve got an incredible support system with our families."

Aditi: "Exactly! And don’t forget, we’re all going to conquer the world together. One step at a time."

They continued to chat and laugh, soaking in the serene atmosphere of the lake as the boat gently glided across the water. The sun set behind the Aravalli hills, casting a breathtaking reflection on the lake's surface. In that moment, surrounded by friends and the beauty of Udaipur, everything seemed possible.

Parul and her friends enjoyed their boat ride on Lake Pichola, laughing and sharing their dreams. After boat ride they head towards the food stall and enjoyed their street food.

Parul: "chlo chlo abh ice cream khte h bhot mann h".

Aditi: "Ha bheno chlo mst thandi thandi ice cream khayenge m toh chocolate or butterscotch dono lungi".

Nisha: "seriously aditi 2 ice cream"cut off by parul

Parul: " Whii bs 2 ice cream usseee kyaa hogaa" Making a cute inocent face.

Aditi hugss her and says "I know you only are my best friend here these 2 are gym rat".

Parul laughs on this and Priya and nisha were giving 'Are you serious' look to both of them.

Then all of them head towards the ice cream stall while talking about their college and some random stuff.

Aditi: "Abhi mt khaana sab se phele snap streak".

All three together with 'irritated' look on their face says " Okayyyyy".

They began to eat their ice cream and enjoying their time with each other.


On the other side a man having a shocked expression and slightest smile on his face standing on a distant observing the group enjoying their having ice cream and boat ride and laughing all heartedly. This group is non other than our four divass parul, nisha, priya and aditi And the man who is watching them is non other then Abhimaan Singh Rajvansh who stood on a nearby terrace, his gaze fixed on Parul. He was accompanied by his best friends, Vikrant Malhotra, Kabir Rathore, and Dhruv Singhania, who had practically dragged him out for some leisure time, a rare occurrence given his busy and dangerous life.

Vikrant: "I still can't believe we managed to get you out of the office, Abhimaan. You need to relax sometimes, you know."

Kabir: "Yeah, man. It’s not every day we get to enjoy a sunset by the lake. Just take a deep breath and enjoy the view."

But Abhimaan wasn’t listening. His sharp features, usually stern and commanding, softened as he watched Parul. He hadn’t seen her in two years, and yet, here she was, as vibrant and beautiful as ever. He felt a pang of longing mixed with an intense sense of possession.

Dhruv: "Earth to Abhimaan. What’s got you so distracted?"

Abhimaan didn’t respond immediately, his eyes following Parul’s every move as she animatedly spoke with her friends. Finally, he murmured, more to himself than to his friends, "I can’t believe I’ve found her again. My vanilla."

Vikrant: "Wait, are you talking about that girl? The one you’ve been Searching for 2 years like a mad man and you were obsessed with her?"

Kabir: "Wow, this is... unexpected. You didn’t tell us she’s in Udaipur."

Abhimaan tore his gaze away from Parul for a moment, looking at his friends with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "I didn’t know either. But now that I’ve found her, I’m not letting her go."

His friends exchanged glances, understanding the depth of Abhimaan's feelings. They had seen him ruthless in business and merciless in the underworld, but this was different. This was personal.

Dhruv: "So, what’s the plan? Are you going to approach her now?"

Abhimaan shook his head. "Not yet. I need to know more about her life now, what’s changed. I don’t want to scare her away. But I’ll make sure she becomes a part of my world, one way or another."

As the boat ride continued, Parul remained blissfully unaware of the intense gaze following her every movement. Her laughter rang out across the water, a sound that echoed in Abhimaan’s heart, strengthening his resolve.

Vikrant: "We’re with you, Abhimaan. Whatever you need."

Kabir: "Yeah, just say the word."

Dhruv: "Let’s make sure this time, she doesn’t slip away."

Abhimaan nodded, his eyes once again fixed on Parul. "She won’t. She’s mine."

Abhimaan meet parul at delhi when he is in delhi for his new project.

He started thinking about how he meet her in Delhi.

Flashback starts

**Two Years Ago in Delhi:**

Abhimaan Singh Rajvansh, amidst a busy day of meetings, decided to stop by a café in the heart of Delhi. The café, known for its charming ambiance and exquisite coffee, was a regular spot for professionals and students alike. On this particular day, Parul Sharma was there with her school friends, celebrating a small occasion with a cheerful group.

As Abhimaan settled into a corner table with his contractor and partners, a sudden commotion erupted. The café’s kitchen caught fire, quickly spreading and engulfing the entire establishment in thick, black smoke. Panic ensued as patrons, staff, and even the café owner scrambled to escape the raging inferno.

Abhimaan’s instinct kicked in. He quickly gathered his team and moved towards the exit. As he was leaving, his sharp eyes caught sight of a young woman— Parul— darting back into the smoky interior. She was bravely heading towards a group of terrified children, her face set with determination.

Abhimaan’s attention was riveted. Despite the chaos around him, he watched as Parul maneuvered through the flames and thick smoke to rescue a small child trapped near the back. Her bravery was astonishing. As she carried the child to safety, she brushed past Abhimaan, who could faintly catch the comforting scent of vanilla amidst the smoke.

Concerned for her safety, Abhimaan immediately instructed his guards.

Abhimaan: “Get in there and put out the fire. Ensure that girl, and everyone else, is brought out safely.”

His guards nodded and rushed inside, while Abhimaan himself waited outside, anxiety etched on his face.

Parul, after successfully rescuing the child, emerged from the café, but her strength was waning. As she was about to collapse from exhaustion and smoke inhalation, she stumbled into Abhimaan. The collision caused her to fall unconscious.

Abhimaan: “Get her to the hospital. Ensure she receives immediate care.”

His guards quickly carried Parul and the other injured out of the scene, directing them to the nearest hospital.

After ensuring everyone was taken care of and the situation was under control, Abhimaan returned to his Delhi apartment. He was restless, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the courageous woman he had encountered.

Later that evening, Abhimaan inquired about the status of the people involved in the incident.

Abhimaan’s Guard: “Sir, everyone is fine. They’ve been treated and discharged. The café staff and patrons have all been sent home.”

Abhimaan, relieved but still deeply affected by the day’s events, reflected on Parul’s bravery and the inexplicable pull he felt towards her.

After 2 days of incident:

Abhimaan Singh Rajvansh sat in his lavish office of delhi, meticulously going over documents and strategic plans. Yet, despite his focused efforts, his mind repeatedly drifted back to that day in the café. The image of Parul, braving the fire to save a child, was firmly etched in his memory. It was as if her courage and the fleeting scent of vanilla had left an indelible mark on him.

Unable to shake off his obsession and feelings towards her, Abhimaan realized he needed to find Parul, no matter the cost. He picked up the phone and dialed his private investigator Vineet.

Abhimaan: “I need you to gather information on everyone who was present in the café that day. I want a detailed report on each individual.”

Vineet: "Okay sir"

Abhimaan cuts the call and began with his work but his thought were only consumed by parul.

The investigator promised to provide a thorough search and began his task immediately. A few days later, Abhimaan working in his office his PA came and tell him about vineet who has came to meet him. He tell his PA to allow him to came inside. After some time a knock sound came abhimaan tells him to came inside he came with a comprehensive list of people who had been in the café during the fire.

Vineet: "Good morning, sir"

Abhimaan simply nodded his head and ask him"Has work done".

Vineet:“I’ve compiled all the details of those who were present. Here’s the information you requested sir.”

Abhimaan scanned the documents and photo of all the people, but his eyes were searching for something specific. He noted the names and backgrounds of the café patrons and staff but saw no mention of Parul.

Abhimaan: “Where is the information on the girl who rescued the child? The one who was actively involved in saving lives.”

Vineet looked Scared and feared.

Vineet:“we couldn’t find any information on her sir. It’s as if she vanished.”

Abhimaan’s frustration was palpable. He leaned forward, his voice sharp and insistent.

Abhimaan: “I need her information. Find out where she is, how I can contact her. This is non-negotiable.”

Despite the Vineet’s assurances that he would continue the search, days turned into weeks, and weeks into months and months into years. The investigator’s updates were always the same: no leads, no trace of Parul.

After several fruitless attempts to find Parul, Abhimaan decided to shift his focus. He returned to Udaipur, his thoughts consumed by the elusive woman. He had his network search not only in Delhi but in other major cities as well, hoping for a breakthrough.

Abhimaan seating in her studyroom and his thoughts were only consumed by parul murmers to himself“I will find you, Vanilla. No matter where you are or how long it takes. You’ve become more than just a fleeting memory and obession of Abhimaan Singh Rajvansh.”

For the next two years, Abhimaan’s quest for Parul continued, his obsession driving him to explore every lead and follow every clue. His search was relentless, and though his efforts spanned multiple cities, he remained determined to uncover her whereabouts and make her a part of his life.

(He couldn't find parul in delhi because she moved to Udaipur for her college studies just after the incident happened).


As Abhimaan continued to watch Parul, Dhruv noticed something familiar about one of the girls with her. Leaning in closer to get a better look, he suddenly realized who it was.

Dhruv: "Hey, Abhimaan, isn’t that Priya with them? Hanging out with your vanilla."

Abhimaan’s eyes flicked to Priya, confirming Dhruv's observation. A faint smile touched his lips. "Yes, that’s Priya. It means the girl I’ve been looking for is a friend of my sister."


That's all for today guyssss.



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